ALMAR modern yöntemler, yüksek standartlar ve sinerji etkisi ile değerler yaratan etkili ve çözüm odaklı bir şirkettir.
2000 yılından beri ALMAR, yılların getirdiği deneyim ve hizmet kalitesi ile önde gelen denizcilik firmalarından birisi olmuştur. Sabit yangın söndürme ve algılama sistemleri alanında yaptığı çalışmalar ile bir çok farklı projeye imza atmış, sorunlara hızlı ve etkili çözümler sunmuştur. Deneyimli ekibimizi, kaliteli malzemeler ve disiplinli çalışma ile birleştiren firmamız, alanında öncü olmasının yanı sıra, verdiğimiz hizmetteki yüksek standartlarla hala tek ve en iyisidir.
Hedefimiz, fark edilebilir kalitemiz ile sizlere ulaşıp, ihtiyaçlarınıza en iyi çözümleri sunabilmektir.
System Design
System Design Process of defining elements of a system …
Consulting ALMAR consulting for your enginnering problems …
Project Management
Project Management Using time wisely, planning the sources, …
Spare Parts
Spare Parts Your life is important than anything so we …
Technical Services and Maintanance
Technical Services and Maintanance Our technical support …
Advanced Engineering Applications
Advanced Engineering Applications ALMAR is one of the …
ALMAR Is The Official Turkish Distributor of TYCO & SKUM Brands For 15+ Years.
TCG Anadolu Sabit Yangın Söndürme Sistemleri Hk.
Do you need Professionals to project and build your dream home?
We offer the best engineers and builders to make your dreams come true.
Our Promise and Values
We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction example.
Alan OwensOWN Inc.The StructurePress team was very sufficient in maintaining the integrity of this project in terms of planning, scheduling, cost and quality, and their team’s ability to work in person with owners, architects, designers and planner makes them a leader in their field.
Rebecca WatsonR. W. Construction Inc.StructrePress company has performed in a consistent, demanding and professional manner. They have got my project on time with the competition with a highly skilled, well-organized and experienced team of professional construction managers. Our company is looking forward to hire them again.
John WellerWelling Design & EngineeringAs the architect for major projects I really like to collaborte with StructurePress company. We are particularly organized through the construction process. My own project was a great example of contractors and architects working as a team for the good of the project and its users.